
Last week Google released the new Android 4.4 version and I was quite happy to see some updates to the NFC implementation. The biggest change is the new Host-based Card Emulation mode. This opens up the possibility of Peer-to-Peer communication over NFC.

I immediately ordered the new Nexus 5 to be able to hack on this new feature. Yesterday the phone arrived and today I was able to invest a few hours with reading docs and writing some lines of code. Good news everyone: it’s working quite nice.

First, I would like to give you some background info how this is all working. If you just want to see the code, scroll down please.

ISO/IEC 7816-4 card emulation

ISO/IEC 7816-4 tags are organized into applications that can be individually selected. Each application has a name or a file ID. You can connect to an application by issuing a SELECT command with the appropriate name. Android implements this system basically by saying that each Android application can act as one or more applications on a tag. Since the application name or file ID should be unique this is quite cool, because now your Android smartphone becomes one big tag.

This system can even coexist with secure element based card emulations but I don’t want to dive into this because I haven’t done anything with it so far.

The steps to establish the connection are really quite easy. Using the ACR122U desktop reader (PN532 NFC chip) I first issued an InListPassiveTarget command and once the target appeared in range I directly send a SELECT APDU using the DataExchange command. From here on you simply continue to send DataExchange commands until you’re done with the whole communication process.

In hex this looks like this (InListPassiveTarget):

D4 4A 01 00

Once the target is in range you will get the following target data:

01 0004 60 04 089D64A2 0575807002

01 = Target No
0004 = SENS_RES
60 = SEL_RES (please have a look at the HCE documentation how to compare the value)
04 = length of the NFCID
089D64A2 = random NFCID, it changes with every connection
0575807002 = ATS

Now you can simply send a SELECT APDU to connect to your app on the phone:

D44001 00A4040007F001020304050600

The data out part is as follows:

00 = CLAss
A4 = INStruction, SELECT
04 = P1, select by name
00 = P2
07 = length of the application name
F0010203040506 = application name as defined in the manifest by the AID-filter

Your HostApduService will receive the above message as the first APDU. From now on you can send any data you want. I noticed that this doesn’t even have to be encoded as APDU.

Here is some code I’ve compiled for this demo.

The IsoDepTamaCommunicator is the part on the desktop side what will use the NFCTools and establish the IsoDep connection to the Android device. For the complete example please have a look at the org.nfctools.examples.hce package.

public class IsoDepTamaCommunicator extends AbstractTamaCommunicator {

	private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
	private int messageCounter = 0;
	private static final byte[] CLA_INS_P1_P2 = { 0x00, (byte)0xA4, 0x04, 0x00 };
	private static final byte[] AID_ANDROID = { (byte)0xF0, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06 };

	public IsoDepTamaCommunicator(ByteArrayReader reader, ByteArrayWriter writer) {
		super(reader, writer);

	private byte[] createSelectAidApdu(byte[] aid) {
		byte[] result = new byte[6 + aid.length];
		System.arraycopy(CLA_INS_P1_P2, 0, result, 0, CLA_INS_P1_P2.length);
		result[4] = (byte)aid.length;
		System.arraycopy(aid, 0, result, 5, aid.length);
		result[result.length - 1] = 0;
		return result;

	public void connectAsInitiator() throws IOException {
		while (true) {
			InListPassiveTargetResp inListPassiveTargetResp = 
				sendMessage(new InListPassiveTargetReq((byte)1, (byte)0, new byte[0]));
			if (inListPassiveTargetResp.getNumberOfTargets() > 0) {"TargetData: " + 
				if (inListPassiveTargetResp.isIsoDepSupported()) {"IsoDep Supported");
					byte[] selectAidApdu = createSelectAidApdu(AID_ANDROID);
					DataExchangeResp resp = 
							new DataExchangeReq(inListPassiveTargetResp.getTargetId(),
							false, selectAidApdu, 0, selectAidApdu.length));
					String dataIn = new String(resp.getDataOut());"Received: " + dataIn);
					if (dataIn.startsWith("Hello")) {
				else {"IsoDep NOT Supported");
			else {
				try {
				catch (InterruptedException e) {
					throw new RuntimeException(e);

	private void exchangeData(InListPassiveTargetResp inListPassiveTargetResp) throws IOException {
		DataExchangeResp resp;
		String dataIn;
		while (true) {
			byte[] dataOut = ("Message from desktop: " + messageCounter++).getBytes();
			resp = sendMessage(
				new DataExchangeReq(inListPassiveTargetResp.getTargetId(), false, dataOut, 0,
			dataIn = new String(resp.getDataOut());"Received: " + dataIn);

On the Android side you have a simple HostApduService as defined in the HCE documentation. The complete source code is in the host-card-emulation-sample repository.

public class MyHostApduService extends HostApduService {

	private int messageCounter = 0;

	public byte[] processCommandApdu(byte[] apdu, Bundle extras) {
		if (selectAidApdu(apdu)) {
			Log.i("HCEDEMO", "Application selected");
			return getWelcomeMessage();
		else {
			Log.i("HCEDEMO", "Received: " + new String(apdu));
			return getNextMessage();

	private byte[] getWelcomeMessage() {
		return "Hello Desktop!".getBytes();

	private byte[] getNextMessage() {
		return ("Message from android: " + messageCounter++).getBytes();

	private boolean selectAidApdu(byte[] apdu) {
		return apdu.length >= 2 && apdu[0] == (byte)0 && apdu[1] == (byte)0xa4;

	public void onDeactivated(int reason) {
		Log.i("HCEDEMO", "Deactivated: " + reason);


During development I first assumed I would have to use a common CLA for the APDU so I stared with the 0x90 used in DesFire cards. But this led to the following error message:

E/BrcmNfcNfa(1187): CET4T: Unsupported Class byte (0x90)

So I looked at the Android source code and found out that the correct CLA is 0x00. Also the expected P1 parameter can be found in the source code.

NFCTools Examples

If you want to try this out you can clone the host-card-emulation-sample GitHub repository and compile the Android app for your device. Android 4.4 is required for this to work. Then for the desktop side just download the latest version of the nfctools-examples.jar from nfctools-examples releases

Launch the examples with the following command:

java -cp nfctools-examples.jar org.nfctools.examples.hce.HceDemo


The Host-based Card Emulation is really easy to use. Compared to the LLCP/SNEP implementation of Android Beam it is way less error prone and gives you much faster responsiveness. Using this HCE mode for P2P communication is of course just a hack. I can only hope that the Android team will allow access to the SNEP stack in one the coming releases.

Please also note that the amount of data that can be transmitted with one DataExchange command is limited to around 200 bytes. If you want to transfer larger amounts of data you have to chunk it yourself into smaller pieces.

Another thing is the security of this implementation. Basically you cannot trust the other party as anyone can create an Android app or a desktop app using your AID. Please also refer to the HCE and Security section of the documentation.

If you have any questions regarding nfctools please come by our discussion group.

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